Saturday, 22 March 2008

Update for the week

I've been a bit slack in updating this diary of late.

It's been a strange week. My legs felt weary after my 21 mile race on Sunday, so I gave Monday's recovery jog a miss.

Instead of a 45 minute steady run, I played about 45 minutes of 5-a-side football. It was my first match for about six months, it was a good game and a 7 - 7 draw.

I felt shattered. I think it was a combination of the long race on Sunday and playing football, which puts totally different stresses onto your legs from what I have been used to. Kane and I helped Gill move house this evening, so I didn't have time for a run anyway.

I still felt tired today. I had a gym session scheduled for Weds pm, doing 15 min session intervals, so I did that on this evening. The gym was very quiet and I did 4 x 15 minute intervals at 15 km/h with 2:30 minute recoveries with a warm up and cool down. By the end I was tired, but pleased with the work I'd done.

Good Friday
I went with Kane to see my Grandma today, when we returned I went for a steady run. My legs felt fatigued again, probably due to the hard gym session on top of football and Cranleigh on Sunday.

Run stats: 66:06 minutes, 9.6 miles - 6:53 minutes per mile

Today I am resting before a long run tomorrow. Tomorrow I intend to run very slowly.

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