Monday, 31 March 2008

Short easy run

Louise is working this evening, so I finished work early and dashed home on my bike, leaving myself with just enough time for a short 25 minute easy jog.

It was very unfulfilling, but I suppose that is the nature of cutting back on the training.

Run stats: 23:24 minutes, 3.22 miles - 7:16 minutes per mile

Saturday, 29 March 2008

Last long(ish) run

I drove over to Dave's this morning for our last run together before the marathon. Dave had worked out a ten mile circuit going round and through Peckham Rye Park, Brockwell Park and Dulwich Park. The pace was fairly sedate and the run was enjoyable. I feel it is going to be a long two weeks before the marathon.

Run stats: 85 minutes, 10 miles - 8:30 minutes per mile

Thursday, 27 March 2008

Last fartlek session

The sessions are being curtailed now as I enter the tapering stage of the training. The hardest thing is to keep the eating controlled and drinking alcohol to a minimum. I find as I train less, I am more tempted to indulge - the last thing I want to do is put on four or five pounds in the last three weeks.

Tonight was supposed to be 60 minutes of easy fartlek. My legs were aching a little from football, but that soon disappeared. I couldn't help but push myself and it wasn't really an "easy" session at all.

Run stats: 65:41 minutes, 10.14 miles - pace is irrelevant

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Run to football

This evening I played football again. I also jogged to the venue which is 3.5 miles whilst Olly took my bag for me. The run was a good warm up and we won 9 - 3 against limited opposition.

Run stats: 22:02 minutes, 3.48 miles - 6:20 minutes per mile

Sunday, 23 March 2008

Sliding through the mud

It was snowing when I woke up this morning.

Louise dropped Ronnie and I off at the bottom of Box Hill and we replicated the run that we did with Dave three weeks ago. By the time we started the snow had stopped, but it was still bitterly cold.

The route was very muddy and I had trouble keeping my footing for large parts of the run. I deliberately kept the pace slow and by the time Ronnie and I reached home we were muddy but pleased. That is my last long run before the marathon.

Run stats: 152:39 minutes, 18.3 miles - 8:20 minutes per mile

Saturday, 22 March 2008

Update for the week

I've been a bit slack in updating this diary of late.

It's been a strange week. My legs felt weary after my 21 mile race on Sunday, so I gave Monday's recovery jog a miss.

Instead of a 45 minute steady run, I played about 45 minutes of 5-a-side football. It was my first match for about six months, it was a good game and a 7 - 7 draw.

I felt shattered. I think it was a combination of the long race on Sunday and playing football, which puts totally different stresses onto your legs from what I have been used to. Kane and I helped Gill move house this evening, so I didn't have time for a run anyway.

I still felt tired today. I had a gym session scheduled for Weds pm, doing 15 min session intervals, so I did that on this evening. The gym was very quiet and I did 4 x 15 minute intervals at 15 km/h with 2:30 minute recoveries with a warm up and cool down. By the end I was tired, but pleased with the work I'd done.

Good Friday
I went with Kane to see my Grandma today, when we returned I went for a steady run. My legs felt fatigued again, probably due to the hard gym session on top of football and Cranleigh on Sunday.

Run stats: 66:06 minutes, 9.6 miles - 6:53 minutes per mile

Today I am resting before a long run tomorrow. Tomorrow I intend to run very slowly.

Sunday, 16 March 2008

Cranleigh 21

This morning Dave and I competed in the Cranleigh 21 mile race. It is a pre-London Marathon race hosted in rural Surrey. The race is on roads and consists of one nine mile lap followed by two shorter laps of six miles.

I had arranged with George to drop Kane off with him for the morning while we ran. As I arrived in Ashtead to drop off Kane I realised that I had forgotten by running shoes. So Dave and I had to return to Sutton before heading down to Cranleigh.

It was touch and go as to whether we would get to the startline in time. I drove quickly and we just missed the start by two or three minutes.

This meant I had to run through the whole back end of the field before I could settle into a rhythm with my running. As a result I ran the first mile too quickly in 6:20. After a couple of miles, I settled down and started to enjoy the run. The first nine mile loop was very comfortable. The start of the first six mile loop was a little tough, but I think that was mainly psychological, as there was still so far to go. Again I settled down and was comfortable until the last mile and half when I was feeling tired, but it was easy enough to hang on to the end.

The running conditions were cold and wet and the nipple rash was so severe on my right nipple that there was a circle of blood on my running vest.

With the times I am currently posting, I am becoming increasingly confident that I should be able to run 3:05hrs or thereabouts for the marathon. My main hindrance will be my starting position which will be with other runners trying to run four hour pace. I will ring the organisers tomorrow to see if I can get my starting position changed.

Run stats: 142:58 minutes, 21.2 miles - 6:45 minutes per mile

Friday, 14 March 2008

Quick run, then out for a meal

Tonight I finished work , came home, had a quick run, then went out for something to eat with Liza and Phil with Louise.

I was a bit tight for time, so I had to run quickly to make sure we wouldn't be too horrendously late.

Run stats: 50:16 minutes, 7.71 miles - 6:31 minutes/mile

Thursday, 13 March 2008

Away day

This week I had a two day external meeting in a hotel in Horley. On Tuesday evening before dinner, I went on a ten mile steady run, which I had mapped out on the previous night at home. I felt fresh legged and ran at a good pace.

The only problem was that it was getting dark by the time I finished and it was rural area with no pavement or street lights and therefore it was a bit hairy with the cars zooming by.

Since I returned, I haven't trained. Yesterday I was too tired, so I gave training a miss. Tonight I had to work late and by the time I got home, Louise was off to work. The result of which means I have only trained once this week, this is quite frustrating as I should be at the peak of my training now.

Run stats: 65:26 minutes, 10.0 miles - 6:33 minutes per mile.

Sunday, 9 March 2008


I didn't plan to run today, but Louise and I arranged to meet Liza and her boys up on Epsom Downs with Kane. I took the opportunity to go for a recovery jog with Ronnie.

My route meandered around the Downs, I was making it up as I went along, but I got back to the car after about 40 minutes which was perfect timing as the rest of the gang were only about 3 minutes away.

Run stats: 43:08 minutes, 5.69 miles - 7:35 minutes/mile

Saturday, 8 March 2008

Saturday long run

Tonight, a group of us are going to watch boxing at the O2 arena. It will be a late night and therefore Dave and I thought it would be best to bring forward the long run from Sunday to Saturday. We drove over to Ashtead with Kane, where Kane stayed with George while we ran.

We ran a big loop, which was just short of 18 miles. We went out though Epsom up into Sutton and back over Epsom Downs. It was a similar distance to last week, but was less testing in terms of gradients and terrain. We ran a fairly even pace with no incidents of note.

Run stats: 153:10 minutes, 17.64 miles - 8:41 minutes/mile

Thursday, 6 March 2008


My legs felt quite tired this evening, I was scheduled for 45 minutes steady. I ran one of my old routes that is just short of seven miles and took it fairly easy. I was ok when I got into a rhythm. About half way round I glanced at my stopwatch to see how long I had been running and the clock had stopped at three minutes. I think it may need a new battery as I have had the watch for about three years.

As a result I am not sure exactly how long I was running for, but I think it was roughly 49 minutes.

Run stats: Approx 49 minutes, 6.91 miles - 7:05 minutes/mile

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Late night gym session

I had a client meeting in Cheshire today, so I had an early start and didn't get home till about 7:30pm.

I eventually got to the gym at about quarter to nine and did two fifteen minute repetitions at 16km/h with ten minute warm up and cool down. I followed that with 2000 metres on the rowing machine.

Tuesday, 4 March 2008


Louise started work at 5pm this evening, so I finished work early to look after Kane.

To accommodate my run, I went to George's in Ashtead with Kane. Kane stayed with George and had his tea, whilst I went for my run. It was very refreshing to go for a run after work and for it still to be light. The daylight made the run more enjoyable and my legs felt fresh; these things together made for a fairly quick pace.

I ran out over the Downs and back through Ewell and the back of Epsom.

Run stats: 71:25 minutes, 10.53 miles - 6:47 minutes per mile

Sunday, 2 March 2008

Long and undulating

Dave and Ronnie joined me for today's long run.

Louise was working during the day and Gill helped out by looking after Kane whilst we ran. Gill arrived with Kane and I after doing an early morning run herself. Dave arrived soon after and all five of us piled into Gill's car and we drove over to Boxhill where Gill dropped us off by Juniper Hall at the bottom of Box Hill.

We then meandered back to Sutton avoiding roads wherever possible. It was a route that I'd worked out earlier in the week and was about eighty percent cross country running. I had written out detailed directional instructions - I left these at home, but by hook and by crook we pretty much ran as intended.

The run was very scenic, through various stretches of countryside. The run was also very hilly with four major hills and plenty of other undulations.

We started off nice and slow, with Ronnie chasing everywhere and barking at everything. But I think we inadvertantly picked up our pace during the middle section which I think Dave paid for later. As we came into Kingswood, we climbed over a style and Dave's leg cramped up. This was a bit worrying as we still had five or six miles to go. It meant we had to drop our pace and Dave struggled on, although he continued to intermittently get cramp in both that leg and his other leg as we ran home. Dave was definitely regretting the ninety minutes of football he had played on the previous day. Ronnie was also puffed out and he was reduced to trotting behind us with his tongue lolling out.

The end result was quite a slow paced run, but we shouldn't read too much into this as the marathon will be a great deal flatter and will be on tarmac.

Run stats: 161:15 minutes, 17.58 miles - 9:10 minutes per mile