Thursday, 28 February 2008

Training with Paul Tergat

I was back to work today and Louise had to go out at 8:30pm this evening, so I dashed home from work to fit in my 70 minutes of Fartlek before Louise went out.

A couple of Christmas' ago someone bought me a book about the lengendary kenyan distance runner Paul Tergat. The book is a profile of Tergat's running career and it also details some of the training regimes that he has undertaken in the past, plus some recommended programmes for amateurs such as myself. For fartlek training for marathons, he recommends 10 min warm up, 12 min quick/ 4 min slow/ 6 min quick/ 3 min slow, repeated once or twice, followed by 10 min warm down.

Two repetitions fitted my schedule so that is what I did. I figured if I ran an average of roughly seven minute miles, I would need a ten mile loop. I ran out to Banstead and into Epsom, coming back through Ewell and Cheam to make my ten miles and it work out to be just the right distance.

Run stats: 70:39 minutes, 10.13 miles - pace irrelevant

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